





Title:  Dream Shattered-- A Tentative Analysis of Martin Eden

Thesis: This paper analyzes the characters and the theme of Martin Eden to detail the reasons for Martin Eden’s inevitable death, highlighting the role the social factors have played.  It studies Martin’s long struggle for success and his disillusionment due to the gap between idealism and reality.  His bewilderment in love and writing, the change in the attitudes of people around him and his failure to go back to the working class lead to his final destruction.  


Chapter One  Pursuit of American Ideals 

1.1 Long Struggle for Success 

1.2 Changing for Love 

Chapter Two  The Inevitability of the Death of Martin Eden

2.1 The Bewilderment of Love

2.2 The Bewilderment of Writing 

2.3 The Bewilderment of Secular People 

2.4 The Failure of Going Back to Working Class 

Chapter Three  Disillusionment of American Dream 

3.1 The Conflict between Idealism and Realism 

3.2 The Determining Factor of the Social Environment

Conclusion: The idea that individuals can change the society is deceptive, which will make people go astray and lead to ultimate destruction.



Greenblatt, Stephen. The Norton Anthology of English Literature (8th ed.) [M]. Volume 1. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2007.

Wells, Stanley. Shakespeare Studies [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

艾弗 • 埃文斯. 英国文学简史[M]. 北京: 人民文学出版社, 1984.

黄必康. 莎士比亚名篇赏析[M]. 北京: 北京大学出版社, 2005.

